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Collection of Research
「Korea: From Rags to Riches」Published in Russian
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published byKIPA
dateJanuary 2012

Korea: From Rags to Riches」 is a collection of articles to help people learn what Korea has done during their fast achievement of economic growth and democratization. The first collection examined how the Republic of Korea rose from the ashes of the war to the status of a modern, advanced country within half a century.
 This book, the first of its kind, is replete with clear-eye analyses and prescriptions for something that has made Korea a miracle, wrestling against all odds.
 Readers would be absorbed in an array of thoughtful essays from specialists with caliber of high order in analyzing and synthesizing their findings related to the Korean development. Their sharp analyses give this book a special merit. No work has come closer to identifying the roots of Korean development and specifying what world's poorest nations ought to do.
 A startling, provocative, sweeping study of Korean rise from ashes to economic powerhouse made people stunned, alarmed.
 "From Rags to Riches" teaches readers about tremendous changes in Korea  taking place in 60 years after the war. It is an authoritative textbook for late-comers trying to do miracles, taking an example of "A Miracle on the Han River." On an ardent request from the Belarus Academy of Public Administration under the aegies of the Republic of Belarus in 2011, this book, initially published in English, came to be printed specially for readers of Russia and its adjacent Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

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