《Vol. 117》 (Full Ver.) Issues of Data-Driven Administration for the Operation of Digital Platform Government
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《Vol. 117》 (Full Ver.) Issues of Data-Driven Administration for the Operation of Digital Platform Government
period - published by KIPA
volume Vol. 117 publish year 2022
sort Digital Government type Periodical
date 2023-03-16 read 170
keyword Digital platform government   Data-driven administration  

《Vol. 117》 Issues of Data-Driven Administration for the Operation of Digital Platform Government

The digital platform government creates public values by integrating, linking, and analyzing various data using the advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence. Therefore, an effective operation of digital platform government cannot be achieved without data analysis and use. Accordingly, it is necessary to investigate the awareness of public officials, the subject of data analysis and use, about the data-driven administration. In this Issue Paper, the preparedness of public officials (e.g. recognition, attitude, adoption) about data-driven administration and their awareness of the technical and administrative obstacles were surveyed, and systematic and politic alternatives for the activation of data analysis and use were proposed.

Table of Contents

1. Digital Platform Government and Data-Driven Administration
2. Preparedness for Data-Driven Administration
3. Obstacles to Data-Driven Administration
4. Proposing Policy Alternatives for the Activation of Data Analysis and Use

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